4240 Route 27, Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone No. (609) 683-3760/4015
Madhu Bhalla at (609) 275-2844
1. The Hall will be used on __________(month/day) from_______ to _____ (time).
A minimum contribution of $500.00 will be made in advance at the time of reservation* to Durga Mandir for the use of Hall upto 4 hours. An addition contribution of $75 will be made for each hour over and above 4 hours.
2. The maximum hall capacity of 110 persons will not be exceeded.
3. The hall users will be fully responsible for all damages.
The premises will be left in a clean condition after use. Kitchen will be properly cleaned and Hall will be vacuumed. All trash will be properly deposited in the dumpster.
4. No food will be cooked at the premises. The hall users will bring their own servin
plates, spoons, napkins, etc.
5. NO DHOOP OR AGARBATTI (incense sticks) will be used in the Hall under
any circumstances. Smoke from Dhoop and Agarbatti will activate the
sensitive smoke detector alarm, which will result in a penalty of $1000.00 or
more by the township and the users will be responsible for this penalty.
6. No liquor or meat will be served and smoking is prohibited on the temple premises.
7. A security deposit of $100 is required to cover any damages or cleaning expenses if
the premises are not properly cleaned. The security deposit will be returned if
there are no damages and the premises are properly cleaned.
8. The hall users are advised to obtain liability insurance for the event day, which will
protect them from unforeseen accidents. Durga Temple cannot be held liable for
any accident during the event.
9. If cancellation becomes necessary, Durga Temple shall be notified at least 10 days
before the event date for return, otherwise deposit of $100 will not be returned.
10. If the hall becomes unavailable for any act of GOD or due to any other reason
beyond the control of Durga Temple, the Temple cannot be held responsible.
11. No funds will be collected by individuals or organizations renting the hall on
the premises of DURGA TEMPLE. All collections on the temple premises,
including “chadwa” (offerings to God or Gods/Goddesses) belong to Durga Temple.
___________________________ ___________________________
(Durga Temple Representative) Hall User
(Name) ________________________
Contribution $500(Cash/Check)
(Address) ___________________________
Security Deposition : $100 (cash/check ___________________________
(Tel.) ________________________
*Policy of advance payment is essential to avoid non-payment of contributions at the end of the function/event.
Note: Hall is available only up to 8:00 P.M.
Printable Small Hall Rental Agreement: